Milwaukee Armenian Fest
Sunday, July 20, 2025
Dear Parishioners and Friends:
In a few months it will be time for our Parish to hold its annual Armenian Fest. Next year, the Fest will be held on Sunday, July 20, 2025.
As you know, Milwaukee Armenian Fest draws people from sister Armenian Church communities as well as from various communities in the area. It is an important event for our parish, in that it welcomes everyone who enters our building to feel like a member of our church family.
To continue this tradition, we ask our parishioners and friends to help us defray the cost of the Fest by making monetary contributions toward the purchase of the food and non-food items, and entertainment necessary for a successful event.
On the day of the Fest, the donors’ names will be printed on the back of the Fest menu as well as on the Armenian Fest website. You may also donate in memory of a departed family member or friend. The donors’ list will include in whose memory you are donating.
You may make your online donation here.
If you prefer, you may make your checks payable to St. John Armenian Church indicating ‘Fest Donation’ in the memo section, with a note indicating if your donation is in memory of a loved one.
We thank you for your continued services; support and contribution in helping us make this event successful once again for St. John the Baptist Armenian Church of Greenfield.
St. John the Baptist Armenian Church
Armenian Fest Committee